Friday, 7 December 2012


Now day do any children still know what is Abacus?

Or do you know what is abacus?

Abacus is one of the important calculating tools used by Chinese before calculator and computer was created.

The above picture can shows how important abacus was using in those day.

Introduction of Abacus

Abacus Origin

The origin of counter abacus with strings is however unknown but it was used in India, Mesopotamia and Egypt. Later China played an essential role in the development and evolution of abacus. The most popular abacuses are the roman abacus and the Chinese abacus suan pan.算盘

Abacus Layout

Now day, abacus can be a tool to training pupils thinking optimize the brain from child time.
As a teacher, i will brain some abacus to school and teach the pupils about abacus and ask them try to calculate the problem given.

Let have fun with you pupils with ABACUS!!